Establishing a Strong Relationship With Your Recruiting Partner

Locum Tenens Recruiting Partner

It’s no surprise the most successful relationships are those that are nurtured and maintained. To get the most out of your recruiting partnership, it’s important you build a mutually beneficial relationship based on open communication and trust. Though achieving a meaningful relationship with your recruiting partner is a time investment, it will prove to be worthwhile in meeting your facility’s long-term hiring goals. Here are some strategies to help you build an effective long-term relationship with your recruiting partner:

  • Communicate your hiring needs in a clear and timely manner. Your recruiting partner cannot give you optimal service unless you regularly provide information about your organization’s specific hiring needs. It’s important you communicate employee turnover and new hiring labor demands on an ongoing basis so vacancies can be filled as quickly as possible. The less you communicate, the less your locum tenens staffing agency will be able to help. Whether it’s with a monthly conference call or weekly email update, communication is essential in the physician recruiting process.
  • Discuss your facility’s culture. Healthcare organizations can become so focused on meeting hiring demands they forget to showcase their company culture. Make sure your locum tenens recruiting partner understands the nature of your healthcare facility’s culture so they can recruit the best candidates for the roles that need to be filled. This plays a critical part in ensuring positive hiring outcomes and long-term physician retention.
  • Follow your locum tenens recruiting partner’s advice. Though this may seem obvious, many organizations fall short in taking the advice given by their recruiting partner. Physician recruiters specialize in job placements and know how to attract the best fit candidates. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to take their lead on physician job descriptions and candidate outreach whenever applicable. Remember, they are the experts so take their recommendations to heart.

The success you have with your locum tenens recruiting partner will be dictated by the effort you make to build your relationship from the ground up. The more time and energy you invest, the more you will get out of your recruiting partnership!

Are you currently seeking a recruiting partner?

Get in touch with MPLT Healthcare and see firsthand how a partnership can enhance your organization’s hiring process!
